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joimax®, endoskopik minimal invaziv spinal cerrahi için yenilikçi teknolojiler, sistemler ve yöntemler üzerine odaklanmaktadır. joimax® cerrahi çözümleri, hastalarımızın çıkarlarını göz önünde bulundurarak her zaman en yumuşak tedaviyi sağlar. Sonuç olarak, joimax® komple cerrahi sistemleri en güvenli ve en uygun maliyetli prosedürlere izin verir. * iLESSYS® Pro *

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Stereotaktik nöroşirürji, beyindeki hedefleri lokalize etmek ve tedavi etmek için minimal invaziv bir yöntemdir. Hem teşhis hem de terapötik prosedürler için kullanılır. Leksell Stereotaktik Sisteminin kolay, çok yönlü ve yüksek platform sertliği, bu cerrahi disiplin için kritik doğruluk gereksinimlerinin karşılanmasını sağlar. Leksell Stereotaktik Sistemler ® Broşür

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Cranial Retractor Systems are used in neurosurgical practice as brain tissue retractors and hand supports. They are installed in a sterile field and can be easily and safely adjusted for optimal cranial access. They offer unmatched flexibility. They prevent parts and even the entire system from shifting and tilting. They can be used at any time of the procedure.

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The DORO® QR3 Cranial Stabilization System is built for everyday use. Quick and easy to set up, this neurosurgical headrest system will provide ease of daily use in non-imaging neurosurgical approaches. Whether this set has built-in navigation adapter interfaces or Mix & Match compatibility with DORO® Radiolucent products.

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The PlasmaBlade™ soft tissue dissection device uses short, precise pulses of radiofrequency (RF) energy to cut and coagulate soft tissue. RF energy combined with a proprietary insulation technology allows the PlasmaBlade to dissect with the precision of a scalpel and the bleeding control of traditional electrosurgery, with minimal thermal damage to surrounding tissue.

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Aquamantys™ bipolar mühürleyiciler, diğer yöntemlerde bulunan duman veya char olmadan yumuşak doku ve kemiğin hemostatik sızdırmazlığını sağlamak için radyofrekans (RF) enerjisini ve salini birleştirir. RF enerjisi ve tuzlu su kombinasyonu, cihazın geleneksel elektrocerrahi cihazlardan yaklaşık olarak 100˚C -200˚C daha az sıcaklıkta çalışmasına izin verir. Aquamantys™ Broşür  

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Söring GmbH has been manufacturing high-end products for ultrasonic surgical operations for more than 35 years. Söring always focuses on trend-setting solutions for the best support of the medical team and patient well-being. In addition to numerous applications for liver surgery, neurosurgery and spine surgery, wound treatment

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MITAKA SURGICAL MICROSCOPES For decades, Mitaka Kohki has endeavored to design and manufacture high-tech astronomical optical units, satellite and remote sensing technology and innovative cosmic imaging systems. With his experience from the space industry, he has applied advanced technology and high-precision processing techniques to developing systems for the medical field.

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